Heavy Duty Mechanics' Tools Jump StarterA heavy duty mechanic uses jump starters often. The jump starter's composition of a charger and cables attached to a portable battery provide a charge for a heavy vehicle. This type of starter can be used on a heavy duty vehicle because it has more power than the regular jump starters used on smaller vehicles. Heavy jump starters must be used because no vehicle or tow truck could charge a battery as big as that on a heavy duty vehicle. A smaller car simply would not produce enough power to jump the engine as well.
Fuel Injector ToolIf a heavy duty vehicle has a broken fuel injection system, and you need to take apart the system, you will need to get the fuel back into the truck somehow. A fuel injector tool injects fuel like diesel into the fuel tank without damaging the sensitive parts of the engine. A truck's fuel injection system monitors the goings-on in an engine and delivers the proper amount of fuel to offer the optimal power and amount of fuel needed.Air HammerAn air hammer, a pneumatic tool that uses pressurized air to drive a hammerhead back and forth several thousand times per second ">Auto diagnostics, can aid workers in exerting less energy. Air hammers come in many sizes, from small, the size of a power drill, to as large as 5 foot tall.
Air hammers may be used in exhaust systems, general repair work and cutting work. An example of a use for an air hammer would be breaking off debris surrounding bolts or shafts, which could be dirty or soiled.Impact Gun and Impact WrenchSince heavy duty mechanics work on such large trucks, they cannot use regular wrenches or screwdrivers; their tools are powered by compressed air, electricity or hydraulic power. Impact guns ">Auto code scanner, basically high-powered socket wrenches designed to deliver high torque output, use little energy from the user. Impact wrenches are available in every size that torque wrenches come in, from 1/4 inch to 4 inches. An example of use for an impact wrench is the changing of lug nuts on a tire. Since lug nuts on heavy duty tires remain too big for a regular wrench, an air impact wrench is used. An air impact gun's primary use is putting lug nuts back on.
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